Carrier B/L vs House B/L
"Carrier B/L vs House B/L"
House B/L has same function as Carrier B/L or the combined transport B/L and represent title to the goods.
House B/L issued by Freight Forwarder
House B/L back up by actual Master/carrier B/L who issued by Shipping Line.
For all shipment who booked thru forwarder by sea, forwarder will issue come receipt who called House Bill of Lading (HB/L). Meanwhile, freight forwarder booked the shipment to carrier/shipping line and collect master Bill of Lading (MB/L).
House B/L has same function as Carrier B/L or the combined transport B/L and represent title to the goods.
House B/L issued by Freight Forwarder
House B/L back up by actual Master/carrier B/L who issued by Shipping Line.
For all shipment who booked thru forwarder by sea, forwarder will issue come receipt who called House Bill of Lading (HB/L). Meanwhile, freight forwarder booked the shipment to carrier/shipping line and collect master Bill of Lading (MB/L).
Carrier B/L vs House B/L
Reviewed by tri julianto
1:44:00 AM
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